Whale-watching Colombo

Whale-watching Colombo

Whale-watching tour Sri Lanka and Colombo

The beginning of whale-watching tour Sri Lanka goes back to the 1980s, with the first whale sighting in East Sri Lanka by a group of marine biologists. They observed that sperm and blue whales were coming to the harbour in Trincomalee (read more about Trincomalee) with the help of a submarine canyon. Sri Lanka is a whale-watching hotspot in the region; therefore, whale-watching Colombo is a very popular activity among tourists around the world.

Can we have a 100% guaranteed whale-watching tour in Colombo?

A large number of operators offers blue whale sighting trips off the south coast, Mirissa and the east coast. However, most of them do not guarantee blue whale sightings. Seerendipity tours guarantee blue whale sightings on every trip they make, and you can repeat the tour without paying anything if you were not able to see the whales on your blue whale watching trip.

  • 100% Safe on a Super grade luxury passenger cruiser.
  • licenced by the government of Sri Lanka
  • You will get one of the most comfortable whale watching cruiser in Mirissa
  • Everyone is getting on the upper deck for a wider and deeper view.
  • Specially designed for whale-watching adventure trips, with space around for observation. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
  • Morning Tea/Coffee| Breakfast | Bottled water | Fruits & Snacks- all these free onboard
  • We follow International whale watching guidelines & best practices issued by the whales & dolphin conservation in the UK
  • Two licensed captains | six lifeguards with international licenses | one naturalist on board for live commentary
  • Sighting rate is 99.9%.
  • If you don’t see whales, you can have the tour next day free
  • Soon after you make your booking, you will receive a phone call, a WhatsApp message, or an email announcing your pick-up time.

The best whale watching tours from Colombo

  • 1-Day Whale watching tour Colombo
  • 2 Days whale watching tour Colombo with the southern coast

1 Day Sri Lanka whale watching tour Colombo in a nutshell

  • 04.00 AM Start the journey from Colombo
  • 06.00 AM Reach Mirissa harbour
  • 06.30 AM set off on the whale watching tour
  • 10.30 AM starts the return journey
  • 02.00 PM Reach the hotel in Colombo

2 Days Whale watching tour Colombo in a nutshell

Seerendipity tours mainly offer two variations of whale-watching tours from Colombo, and they can also be booked from beach hotels on the west coast. One day tour from Colombo mainly includes the whale-watching trip. The 2-day tour from Colombo includes a whale-watching boat trip as well as visits to many tourist attractions in southern Sri Lanka such as Galle Fort, mask museum, Hikkaduwa beach, Madu river estuary, and sea turtle conservation project.

Day 1 of 2 days Colombo whale watching tour

  • 08.00 AM leave for mirissa via Kalutara and Bentota
  • 10.00 AM visit the sea turtle conservation project
  • 11.00 AM explore Madu River estuary in a boat tour
  • 01.00 PM visiting mask museum
  • 02.00 PM Lunch break
  • 03.00 PM visit moonstone mines
  • 04.00 PM walking tour of Galle Fort
  • 06.00 PM check-in the hotel in Mirissa and leisure

Day 2 of 2 days Colombo whale watching tour

  • 06.30 AM Start the whale watching boat tour
  • 12.00 PM leave for Colombo after whale-watching boat trip
  • 02.00 PM reach the hotel in Colombo

More information on 2 days whale watching trip

Have fun with blue whale watching in Colombo

Whale-watching in Sri Lanka has become a popular activity among foreign travellers on the island. Sri Lanka is one of the best places to observe whales and dolphins in the world. The Indian Ocean encircles Sri Lanka, an island in the south of India. There is a high concentration of whales and dolphins in many parts of the Sri Lankan water, mainly in the sea of southwest Sri Lanka and the east coast of Sri Lanka.

Being a country in the International Whaling Association protected zone, is one reason for the large concentration of whales around the country. Same time Sri Lanka is located on the migration path of Whales in the Indian Ocean and it is also being a significant reason for a large number of whale sightings around the country.

To see a blue whale at sea is something most of us can only dream about.
To see more than once in a lifetime is a rarity reserved for a fortunate few.
To be in a boat surrounded by five or six blue whales is an experience so
profoundly moving, it inspires us to…fight for the conservation of whales and their ocean environment.

Genevieve Johnson

Whale watching in Colombo the historical facts

Whale watching in Sri Lanka goes back to the 1980s, with the first whale sighting in East Sri Lanka by a group of marine biologists. They observed that sperm and blue whales were coming to the harbour in Trincomalee (read more about Trincomalee) with the help of a submarine canyon.

Whales in east Sri Lanka were used in an award-winning film called Whales weep not, the very first underwater film, which was filmed in the natural habitat of Sperm whales. Even though Trincomalee was recognized as a whale-watching hotspot, it was not served as a safe place for such activities owing to the civil war that ended in 2009.

It was off the coast of Sri Lanka in 2003 that Genvieve Johnson the well-known cytological conservationist and broadcaster had her “profoundly moving experience. Sri Lanka is one of the few places in the world that can offer a wealth of such experiences, yet the country’s reputation as a marine mammal haven is of relatively recent date.

For centuries, Sri Lanka’s whales, dolphins and dugongs were secret known only to fisherfolk and other residents of the island’s coastal belt, as well as a small number of foreign mariners, whalers and naturalists.

The country first got the attention of international cytological attention
in the early 1980s, after three cetacean researchers-Hal Whitehead,
Jonathan Gordon and Roger Payee- documented the unusual frequency of great whale sightings off the Sri Lankan coast. Word began to spread beyond the cytological community in 1983, following an international conference held in Colombo to increase awareness of the country’s cetacean heritage and the importance of conserving it. (see “The Tulip Expedition” p.13).
Soon, whale-watching tours were being offered to a growing number of enthusiastic tourists and researchers.

Where to go for Blue whale watching in Sri Lanka?whale watching places sri lanka, Blue whale sighting areas of Sri Lanka

Blue whale sighting areas of Sri Lanka

Whales are reported in all parts of Sri Lankan waters other than North Sri Lanka. Owing to its shallowness this part of the sea makes it unsuitable for whales. Eastern Sri Lanka is also offering plenty of chances to observe Whales and dolphins.

Since the end of the Civil war (2009) in North-East of Sri Lanka, the sea off Trincomalee has also become a major whale-watching destination and many travellers start their whale-watching trip from the east coast. The sea off the southern coast is also equally popular for whale sightings and the sea off the south coast is also frequented by several species of whales.

Whale-watching had been a very popular activity among tourists in the country and commercial whale-watching started more than a decade ago. With the increasing number of tourists in the recent past resulted in high demand for whale-watching activities in the country.

Types of whales in Sri Lanka

Rorqual whale family-Balaenopteridae

  • Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus Migrant/Seasonal
  • Fin Whale Balaenoptera physalus Migrant/Seasonal
  • Sei Whale Balaenoptera borealis Possible/probable
  • Bryde’s whale Balaenoptera edeni Resident
  • Minke whale Balaenoptera acurorostrata Migrant/Seasonal
  • Humpback whale Balaenoptera novaeangliae is Known to be Present

Sperm whale family –Physeteridae & Kogiidae

  • Sperm whale Physeteridae macrocephalus Nomadic
  • pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps Resident
  • Dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima Resident

Beaked whale family-Ziphiidae

  • Longman’s beaked whale Indopacetus Pacificus Known to be Present
  • Cuvier’s beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris Known to be Present
  • Deraniyagala’s ginkgo-toothed beaked whale Mesoplodon ginkgodens Possible/probable
  • Blainville’s beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris Known to be Present

Blackfish family –Delphinidae

  • Orca Orcinus orca Nomadic
  • Short-finned pilot whale Globicephaphala macrorhynchus Nomadic
  • False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens Nomadic
  • Melon-headed whale Peponocephale electra Resident
  • Pygmy killer whale Fersa attenuata Resident

There are five types of whales recorded around the country: blue whale, sperm whale, minke, melon-headed, and dwarf sperm. Deepwater in southeast Sri Lanka around Kalpitiya is occupied by all types of whales and dolphins.

The biggest animal in the world Blue whale and sperm whale is reported very often around Kalpitiya. One does not need to travel far off to the sea like in most other whale-watching destinations, in order to observe whales in South-East Sri Lanka. November to December and March to April is considered the peak season for whale sighting in this region.

Resident whales of Sri Lanka

In Southern Sri Lanka off Mirissa or Dondra head also reported a large number of sperm and blue whales. Anderson a well-known marine biologist believes that part of the whales that can be seen in southern Sri Lanka is resident whales.

Blue whale migration Sri Lanka

A part of the whale population in Sri Lankan water is considered migratory whales that crossed over to the Indian Ocean from the Arabian Sea through the Bay of Bengal. Anderson believes that whales are passing the island on the way to the direction of Bay of Bengal in January and April they are heading in the opposite direction passing Sri Lanka and Maldives along the way to the Arabian Sea.

The second research on marine life off the southern coast was conducted in 2003 and was called The Voyage of Odyssey the research had come up with many whale sightings in the region. According to marine biologists, the southern deep water off Dondra point is the best site for whale watching on the island since it is located close to the shore.

Whale migration path

Being a country in the International Whaling Association protected zone is one reason for the large concentration of whales around the country. Same time Sri Lanka is located on the migration path of Whales in the Indian Ocean and it is also being a significant reason for a large number of whale sightings around the country.

Scientific finding on Sri Lankan whales

Marine biologist Asha de Vos has conducted the first-ever such major scientific study on blue whales in Sri Lanka. The study covered important facts about the whales of Sri Lanka, which are unique to the island. The study also shows how to implement an effective scientific conservation effort to protect this endangered marine animal. The behaviour of blue whales and the nature of threats to the existence of blue whales are important facts revealed in the press conference.

Whale watching in Colombo allows you to spot a blue whale unique to Sri Lanka

According to the research findings, the blue whales of Sri Lanka are unique to the country. There are a lot of blue whales known to live in Sri Lanka. Southern Sri Lanka and the eastern part of the country are particularly popular for whale-watching in Sri Lanka. Even though the blue whale is globally declared an endangered animal species and is a protected animal, some countries are still engaged in whale hunting. Blue whales are being killed for their oil, meat, and other parts.

Today the total number of blue whales in the world is estimated to be around 10,000 and it is a sharp reduction of its population of 300,000 in the past.

Asha de Vos referred to the whales of Sri Lanka as the “unorthodox whales” because these animals behave differently than the other populations in the world. The longest blue whale discovered in Sri Lankan water is 25 meters; hence the blue whales of the Pacific Ocean are five meters longer.

Threats to the blue whales

The main threat to the existence of blue whales in Sri Lankan water is identified as the ships that pass southern Sri Lanka on the international sea route. A large number of blue whales had been killed so far owing to the ship strikes. One of the busiest sea routes in the world happens to be running across the area where blue whales reside and which is the main reason for the injuries of whales. The most recent such incident was heard on March 20, 2012, when a blue whale entangled onto the bow of a ship and was brought to the harbour.

Regulating whale watching in Colombo is a need of the hour

According to the research unregulated whale watching is identified as a potential threat to the well-being of Blue whales. Today there are no rules and regulations involved with whale watching in Sri Lanka. The researchers opine that the whale-watching industry should be adhering to international standards and regulations to sustain whale-watching as a long-term attraction on the island.

Blue whale accidents

A giant whale has washed ashore in west Sri Lanka, in the region of Kosgoda. Kosgoda is a fishing village and one of the most popular beaches in Sri Lanka located 70 km south of Colombo, which is a fishing village. The whale is still alive at the time the report is written, but it is suffering from a few wounds. The whale is about 100 metres in length. The whale is washed ashore by the current since it is wounded and not able to swim against the strong current. The wounded whale was carried to the shore by the strong current and the animal was stranded on the shore for two days.

Whale watching Colombo, where and when?

Whale watching in Sri Lanka can be done in several places on the island, depending on the weather conditions. The best place for whale watching in Sri Lanka off the south and west coast is from November to May, while the east coast is suitable for whale watching from May to October.

Blue whale watching Sri Lanka, Mirissa

Mirissa, off the southern coast, is considered to be the best place for a top-notch whale-watching experience in Sri Lanka. Mirissa is the place to spot a large concentration of blue whales and sperm whales. A typical whale-watching trip off the coast of Mirissa lasts between 1 and 4 hours, depending on the time spent on a whale sighting.

Whales are occurring about 1 km off the coast of Mirissa and dolphins are also can be spotted here. Whales can be seen here throughout the year but November to April is the main whale-watching season here due to the favourable weather to travel on the sea.

Mirissa is located near the southern tip (Dondra) of Sri Lanka. One can easily reach Mirissa from Colombo and travel time is around 2 hours from Colombo to Mirissa by southern expressway. The travel time between Mirissa and Colombo will be around 4 hours on Matara-Colombo main road. Travelling from Colombo to Mirissa can be done by public buses, trains or taxis.

Travelling by train between Colombo and Mirissa is comfortable, cheap and time-saving. Even though travelling by Taxi is expensive compared to buses it is the best option to travel from Colombo to Matara and vice versa. It is very comfortable, safe and saves a lot of time.

Blue whale watching in Sri Lanka: how much does it cost?

Usually, the whale-watching tour of Colombo is offered 7 days of a week throughout the year, however, there can be an exception, in which the tours are abandoned without any prior notice. It is quite understandable because seafaring can be dangerous in certain situations due to the extreme conditions in the sea.

The cost of the whale-watching Colombo tour differs depending on the pick-location and drop-off location of the passengers. The traveller, who directly arrives at Mirissa harbour must pay US$ 98 per person for the whale-watching tour, upon receiving the ticket, which includes all services and taxes.

Tour companies in Sri Lanka organise whale-watching excursions and provide them as either standalone tours (whale-watching excursions) or as a component of Sri Lanka road trips.

Watching whales in Kalpitiya

Usually, Sri Lanka is popular around the world for spotting blue whales. “Blue whales in Sri Lanka” and “Colombo whale watching” are very popular keyphrases used by world travellers. We also get emails from travellers, and most of them look for places to spot blue whales.

Kalpitiya is not only good for watching dolphins but also for watching whales. The sea off Kalpitiya is one of the best places on the island to see whales, similar to Mirissa of southern Sri Lanka.

Sperm whale watching in Sri Lanka

I believe that most travellers do not know that this biodiversity hotspot also attracts large p[ods of sperm whales. Kalpitiya rank among the best places in Sri Lanka to spot these superpods. A large number of researchers gather in Kalpitiya in the months of March and April in order to carry out various research pertaining to sperm whales.

Spotting a large gathering of sperm whales

Researchers have been able to spot large gatherings of sperm whales off the coast of Kalpitiya since 2010. These sperm whale herds are consisting of hundreds of sperm whales (superpods), particularly in late March and April.

Earlier animal researchers predicted that superpods of sperm whales are sporadic. But now it is found that this gathering of sperm whales is a regular event and takes place every year in the months of March and April. Suoerpods season usually starts mid-march and superpods occur in the water until the 3rd week of April.

These sperm whale pods can be very big, scientists have spotted as many as 350 sperm whales in a superpod in 2015

The nature of whale watching tour Sri Lanka

Whale watching tour Sri Lanka is available in three flavours,

  1. Group blue whale watching Sri Lanka– this is the most popular form of blue whale watching in Sri Lanka and is available throughout the year except for a few days during the monsoon. Mirissa is the most popular for blue whale watching in Sri Lanka. The blue whale watching cruises set off in the early hours every day. Many dozens of specially built whale-watching cruises take around 75 guests to the sea and the trip may last between 2 hours to 5 hours.
  2. Private blue whale watching Sri Lanka-Private blue whale watching trip available for interested parties at a higher rate than the earlier mentioned group whale watching trip. The speed boats are provided for whale watching trips, which cost between US$325 to US$ 500 per trip. Usually, the speed boat can accommodate up to 5 persons. Apart from the charges for the boat the guests also have to pay taxes to the wildlife department which cost 3500 Rs per person.
  3. Whale watching from the sky– Whale watching from the sky is a novel experience, in which the participant travels by a lightweight aircraft allowing them to observe the whales from the sky. It is the most convenient way of spotting whales, however, it is the most expensive form of whale watching in Sri Lanka.

Sanjeewa Padmal (Seerendipity tours)

This blog is all about travelling in Sri Lanka, I am trying to illuminate my readers with a wide range of information related to Sri Lanka travel. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you need more information. Furthermore, we can organize your holiday package or any travel related requirement in Sri Lanka. Please contact us on info@seerendipitytours.com... read more

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