Seerendipity community help foundation (SCHF)

Seerendipity community help foundation, is an institution founded by the Seerendipity tours. SCHF mainly involve in activities that help the society. At Seerendipity tours and 24accounting, we believe that it is our duty to take care of the fragile part of the society. At the moment a large number of families in Sri Lanka are supported by many NGO’s and Non-NGO’s. The government funded programs such as “Govi wishrama watup” and “Janasaviya” provides an immense support for the needy people. Bu still there are some people need out side support to fulfill their basic requirements, therefore SCHF takes various measures to extend their helping hand to those families.

The management of Seerendipity was involved in community helping projects for many years. Recently we formed SCHF in order to streamline all our community projects. This institution is backed by Seerendipity tours and 24 accounting, both are taken care of one management. According to the company policy of Seerendipity tours and 24 accounting, both companies allocate a part of their profit to help the society in various ways such as distributing dry rations, providing books and school items for kids, provide food and other material for elderly people etc.

At the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the people of Sri Lanka is facing a lot of hard ships. Due to the various restriction imposed by the government, in order to control the spread of corona virus., a large number of people have lost their lively hood. The month long mobility restrictions caused the people to stranded at homes and lose their earning potentials. According to the world bank a large number of people of Sri Lanka will fall under the poverty line due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

As a large number of families are facing difficulties due to the financial problems, SCHF has started to distribute dry rations among the families. During the last few months SCHF have distributed dry rations among many families in the western province and the management expect to increase the number of recipients in the coming months.

Sanjeewa Padmal (Seerendipity tours)

This blog is all about travelling in Sri Lanka, I am trying to illuminate my readers with a wide range of information related to Sri Lanka travel. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you need more information. Furthermore, we can organize your holiday package or any travel related requirement in Sri Lanka. Please contact us on read more

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1 Comment

  1. first time with Seerendipity and in Asia, what a wonderful experience. The very professional and knowledgeable tour guide, very knowledgeable in English, helped make the whole trip amazing, everything ran like clockwork. Would definitely recommend this company, do read trip notes it makes everything so much easier.

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